See the full EU*5th Freedom activity document

EU*5th Freedom
Presentation of the Project
Free movement of persons is one of the major achievements of the European Union (“EU”).
During the last years, EU has highlighted a particular aspect of such a freedom: the freedom of circulation of researchers and in general persons dealing with research and technology
knowledge, which is also defined as the “5th Freedom” .
As matter of fact, EU law aims at establishing a European Knowledge Area, in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology, as well as students and teachers can freely circulate (see Article 179 TFEU).
The trans-European movement of researchers and in general persons dealing with research and innovation is phenomenon with very important social, economic and cultural implications. In particular, their trans-European mobility is several times (at least 3) the mobility of the general population.
However, students, academic staff and institutions are not enough aware of the rights and obligations concerning that Freedom.
The University of Perugia has established, with the support of the Programme Erasmus+ of the European Union, Jean Monnet Chair focused on the teaching, research and other activities concerning the 5th Freedom.
Objectives of the Chair
– Making aware researchers, especially those young, of their rights, obligations and responsibilities
– Strengthening the mobility of the students and researchers within EU and abroad
– Reinforcing the capacity of the University to put in place the 5th Freedom for its researchers and
to be attractive for external researchers
– Establishing an academic reference in studying legal issues of research within the European
Research Area
– Giving European and international visibility to the studies on the EU Research Policy
– Teaching activities for students of the Department of Law, Department of Medicine, Department of Biotechnologies and chemistry and other Departments
– Additional Training activities for your researchers, administrative staff and professionals
– Research activities on legal and ethical issues of science and technologies
The Chairholder – Roberto Cippitani
- “Jean Monnet” Chairholder at the University of Perugia, Department of Law Associated Researcher of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council), IFAC
- Co-Director of the Chair ISAAC (Individual Rights in Scientific Research and Cooperation at UNED – Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid)
- Profesor titular – Presidente del Comité Academico de la Maestría Derecho Judicial, Escuela Judicial del Poder Judicial del Estado de Oaxaca (México)
- Professor (Profesor titular) of INDEPAC – Instituto de Estudios Superiores en Derecho Penal (México)
- Professor of Contract Law, Universidad de Santo Tomás (Colombia), Faculty of Law
- Professor of General Theory of Law (Docente estable), Phd Course in Law, Department of Law, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina)
- President of the examination board for university professors (full professors and associated professors) of Integration Law at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law
- Lecturer of courses as follows: Biolaw; Data Law in Science and Forensics; Health Law, Civil Law of Globalisation; Contract Law; Law of Science and Technologies; Interpretation and Law of Integration; Law of Biotechnological Innovation; Law of sport;
- Member for Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of SchAI – School of Artificial Intelligence in Health for people Well-Being, CNR-IFAC
- Academic Coordinator of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Rights and Science” for the period 2015-2018
- Expert Evaluator (ID: EX2014D221002) for the European Commission (Programme Horizon 2020, MSCA-IF; ERIC Infrastructures)
- Ethics Advisor and Legal Advisor of Universities and Centres of Research on legal and contractual issues of research and innovation
- President of the Evaluation Committee of the Conservatory of Perugia
- Author of more than 180 among monographs and articles
• Università degli Studi di Perugia – Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Via Pascoli, 33 – 06123 Perugia
• Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – IFAC
50019 Via Madonna del Piano, 10 – Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
• Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Facultad de Derecho
Calle Obispo Trejo, 2, 2ª Planta. 28040 Madrid.