This information is provided pursuant to EU Regulation N. 2016/679, to those who interact with the CNR-IFAC website, accessible electronically at the address


This document explains what information is collected when you visit our website, as well as how and why this information is collected and used.

We take your privacy seriously and are anticipatory in guaranteeing the necessary steps to protect your personal data.

The present information is rendered only for the site indicated above and not also for other websites that may possibly be consulted by means of links contained in the present site.

This information is in keeping with the Guide Lines for the Italian Public Administration websites.


  1. Data Controller: National Research Council (CNR), Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 – 00185 Roma, Italia, contact e-mail:
  2. Data Protection Officer: Ing. Roberto Puccinelli, contact e-mail:
  3. The CNR-IFAC internal person in charge of protecting personal data is the Director in office of the Institute:


Navigation data

Computer systems and the applicative elements dedicated to the operation of this website record/register, during the course of their normal performance, several data (the transmission of which is implicit in the use of communication protocols of Internet communication) not associated with directly identifiable users.

Among the data collected are included the IP addresses of the computer utilised by users who are interconnected with the site, the addresses in URI (URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the dimensions of the file obtained in answer, the numerical code indicating the state of the reply given by the server (successful, error, etc.), and other parameters regarding the operative system and the computer environment utilised by the user.

These data are processed for the amount of time strictly necessary and for the sole purpose of extrapolating anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and in order to control its regular operation.


What are cookies?

Cookies are pairs of strings of the type (name, value) that websites send to the user’s browser with the aim of memorising information of various types in the said browser. This information will then be retransmitted by the browser in future accesses to the same website.

For further and complete information on the use of cookies on the part of the CNR-IFAC website, please see below.

What are cookies used for?

The CNR-IFAC website uses EXCLUSIVELY technical cookies, does NOT install cookies of third parties, and does NOT perform any type of user profiling.

Disabling cookies

The memorisation of cookies in one’s own computer can be disabled by following the instructions reported in the following link for major browsers:

Personal data: collection thereof and use

While utilising our website, a request might be made to supply personal data (name, address, e-mail, details of the account, etc.). In the event that they are requested, we shall use these data for administering the processes and databases of our website. We shall guarantee that all the personal data furnished are safely preserved in conformity with the general regulation regarding the protection of data, Reg. (EU) 2016/679.

Rights of Users

As a user, you can check the details that you have sent to CNR-IFAC by contacting us at the following e-mail address:

Our safety procedures presume that we shall be able to ask for proof of your identity prior to revealing any information, including your e-mail address.

Users may also contact us with the same method in order to modify, correct or request that your personal data be cancelled in relation to the said account in any moment whatsoever.

Keep in mind, however, that if you have shared data with other people by means of channels of the social media, these data could remain visible even if your account has been cancelled in our site.

It is possible to request a legible copy of the personal data that we conserve at any moment whatsoever, and this request will be processed within one month (provided that there are no excessive charges and that the privacy of other persons is not compromised). In order to do this, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

As a user, you can request that your data be directly transferred to another system and this will be done free of charge.

What data do we collect?

We usually collect the personal data of those who decide to be registered on the list of CNR-IFAC suppliers:

  1. Name and surname
  2. E-mail address at work
  3. Address of the business’s main office
  4. Telephone number at work
  5. Personal e-mail

Why do we collect these data?

We collect personal data for the following reason: to include you in the Register of Suppliers for a possible contract or supply.

The services of third parties are not utilised.

How will the data be filed?

If you become a member of the list of CNR-IFAC suppliers, your data will be filed in our Supplier data base (on our server).

In cases in which the data are memorised on print media, these are conserved in a safe place to which non-authorised persons are not admitted.

Printed data are shredded when no longer needed.

Processing procedures

CNR-IFAC uses all the safety procedures provided for by EU Regulation N° 2016/679 in order to protect collected data, avert risks of the loss or theft of data, unauthorised accesses, and unlawful and incorrect usag.

How will they be utilised?

The names and e-mail addresses sent to the list of suppliers will be utilised exclusively for filing in our Supplier data base as declared by CNR-IFAC, and will not be made available for any other objective, excluding legal obligations.

How long do we keep your data?

CNR-IFAC will not keep your personal data any longer than necessary, anyway no more than 3 (three) years.

If requested by law or if it is reasonably necessary in order to satisfy regulatory requisites, resolve controversies, anticipate frauds and abuses, or apply our policies, we shall possibly keep several of your data for a limited period of time, even after having closed your account or it is no longer necessary to have contact.

Optional character of processing data

Except for what is specified for navigation data, the conferment of data through the present form on the website (Registration on the List of Suppliers), i.e. the communications transmitted on a voluntary basis by the same user to CNR-IFAC, always has an optional nature. Nevertheless, in the case of a failure to confer data countermarked as obligatory inside the request forms for registration in the list of suppliers, CNR-IFAC will not be able to provide the user with the service required, especially in the case of insertion in the list.

Right to update our policies on privacy

We must point out that, in order to have a constant adaptation of the law and indications of the central office of the CNR, we are constantly going over, processing and protecting data. Therefore, modifications to our policies may be inspected in any moment whatsoever.


Claims or questions relative to the protection of data and to privacy must be addressed to the person in charge of the protection of data of the CNR: Ing. Roberto Puccinelli, contact e-mail:

You will also have the right to make a complaint to the national control Authority: The Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali)


Cookies are pairs of (name, value) strings, that websites send to the user’s browser for the purpose of storing various types of information in it.

This information will then be retransmitted by the browser in future accesses to the same website.

Art. 122 New Privacy Code – Legislative Decree 196/2003 updated to Legislative Decree 101/2018 – establishes that the storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contractor or user or the access to information already stored are only allowed provided that the contractor or user has given his consent after being informed in a simplified manner. This does not prohibit any technical archiving or access to the information already stored, if aimed solely at carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service, explicitly requested by the contractor or user, in order to provide that service.

The existence of two types of cookies is regulated: Technical cookies and Profiling cookies.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies correspond to devices by their nature aimed exclusively at transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network or used to the extent strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service, explicitly requested by the contractor or user, in order to provide that service.

Technical cookies cannot be used for further purposes and can be grouped into

  • browsing or session cookies, which support normal navigation and use of a website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to restricted access areas);
  • analytics cookies, assimilated to technical cookies insofar as they are used by the website manager to collect information in aggregate form on the number of visitors and how they visit the site;
  • functional cookies, which allow users to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (such as language, currency or other preferences) in order to improve the service rendered to them.

Users’ prior consent is not required for the installation of technical cookies, although there is still an obligation to provide information in the manner that the site operator, if he uses only these devices, will deem more suitable.

Profiling cookies

Profiling cookies are aimed at creating a specific profile of each user, in order to send him advertising messages in line with preferences expressed while surfing the net and collected with tracking techniques. Given the possible invasiveness of these cookies in the users’ private sphere, European and national legislation requires users to be appropriately informed so as to express their valid consent to their use.

These cookies are referred to in the aforementioned Art. 122 paragraph 1 of the revised Code, providing that the storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contractor or user – or access to information already stored – shall only be permitted on condition that the contractor or user has given his consent after being informed in a simplified way.

The IFAC-CNR website ( uses only technical cookies, it does not install third-party cookies and does not perform any type of tracking or profiling. However, please note that note that cookie storage on your computer can be disabled by following the specific instructions for the browser in use.