13 Novembre 2024 dalle 10:00 alle 12:00

Cnr-Ifac, nell’ambito delle attività del progetto PhotonHub Europe, organizza un nuovo seminario online dedicato alle tecnologie fotoniche dal titolo:

LIBS and its applications: from cultural heritage to raw materials and vice versa


Laser-induced breakdown (or plasma) spectroscopy (LIBS or LIPS) is a versatile analytical technique allowing identifying and quantifying atomic species composing a material through the spectral analysis of the plasma generated by a focused laser pulse. LIBS main advantages relay on measurement rapidity and no need of sample preparation. Since a pair of decades ago, LIBS has been widely used in the field of cultural heritage for non-invasive analysis of artworks, monuments, and archaeological artifacts. It provides information on the constituent materials, pigments, restoration materials, and other, thus supporting conservation-restoration works and archaeometric studies. More recently, thanks to the advances of photonic technologies, LIBS experienced significant improvements and spread in various production sectors. In particular, it has been applied for real-time analysis of minerals, metals, and other in the field of raw materials (from mineral exploration to material recycling). The advantages of the technique associated with its main features, such as applicability on any material as it is, rapidity of the elemental analysis, portability and sustainability is making it effective in mineral exploration, material processing, and quality control by enabling rapid decisions and costs reduction.
Our research group has been involved in both the mentioned application fields through several R&D projects, which produced novel LIBS systems and pilot applications. Here, after introducing the basic physical principles of the technique, the overall activity will be summarized, and a special emphasis will be dedicated to the current R&I projects iPhotoCult Project, where we are developing a novel hybrid system by combining LIBS with other analytical techniques, and BECAUSE project (PRIN 2022, Funded by European Commission- Next Generation EU) focused on an extensive archaeometallurgical campaign. Technological aspects and applications presented demonstrate the unique potential and full effectiveness of LIBS in approaching complex in situ material characterizations and open diagnostic problems.

Relatore: Juri Agresti.

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