13 Giugno 2024 dalle 10:00 alle 12:00

Cnr-Ifac, nell’ambito delle attività del progetto PhotonHub Europe, organizza un nuovo seminario online dedicato alle tecnologie fotoniche dal titolo:

Applications of hyperspectral Imaging Technique in Cultural Heritage

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) technique, whose popularity is steadily increasing, is used in museums and conservation laboratories for the non-invasive analysis and documentation of different types of artworks and archaeological objects. For more than a decade, several studies and research projects have been devoted to customize imaging spectroscopic instrumentation and methodologies to the specific needs of art conservation and applications in the museum context. Thanks to great technological advances in portability of devices, in recent years HSI has further expanded, with new applications, e.g. in archaeology. In addition, the possible outcomes from combination of HSI technology and Artificial Intelligence methods is emerging as a promising topic. The Cnr-Ifac laboratories are internationally acknowledged for the development, customization and applications of HSI devices in cultural heritage. Over the last two decades, invaluable artworks and fascinating case studies have been examined through the eye of HSI. A brief overview of the Cnr-Ifac ctivities will be presented.

Relatori: Costanza Cucci e Marcello Picollo

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